Thursday, January 31, 2008

Funny Kids...

I over heard a conversation between Levi (6) and Kayla (5). Levi pulled out a Veggie Tales puzzle to work on, Kayla walks up and asks if she can help him with it, he says no. She says "But I really want to do some of it with you!" He replys "No, cause I really wanna do it on my own!" She says "ok... what would you like me to do, the big pickle, or the people" He says "oh, the pickle..." She's learned how to manage him I guess!
I've been organizing my pantry here today. I'm somebody that actually likes things SUPER organized, but because it does take so much work to get it that way, it's less then organized. Does that make sence? It's like my goals are too high, so I don't even try... Anyways, I'm trying to line my pantry up with my personal goals for it, lol ... So far, it's coming. I've most things where I want them, and with a nice lable on them on the shelf front so it stays that way. But, my labeling came to and end when I ran out of the tape to attach my labels. Levi had got a hold of my tape and was making grand creations with it....
Emily's (14 months) is finally getting serious about getting teeth. Untill now she's had 3, which took GREAT amounts of pain and suffering for months to produce. She's been the hardest teether I've had yet. Well, now she's working 6 teeth through at once! Maybe 7, one I can't quite tell because it's right next to another one. But all 4 molars are coming through at once. She's dealing with it much better though, then when the first ones came in, amazingly enough. Still, she's on the fussy side and is up some at night, but not like all night and super cranky all day.

I still have more thoughts on the whole homeschooling thing... I just need to get a quiet moment to write them down. Right now, it's not! And I shouldn't even be writing as much as I am, being that I hae 1 hour till supper time (it's in the oven thankfully, lasagna) and I still have the kitchen covered with the cupboard contents. Now to go rescue the screaming Emily. She was suppose to be napping...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Larry is home!

Yes, he's home and I'm so glad! I will be honest though... It's not like I was *happy* to see him go, but the change of pace at home here is nice. I hung out at my parents place more and make very lazy suppers. I did laundry till 11 something at night once too! I watched chick flicks over and over again, ones that he would have groaned at and made fun of. All that to say, there are fun things that you can do on your own! It IS nice to have him home now. Besides, the water lines are frozen and the garbage needs to be taken out. hahaha
I just watched the end of a favorite movie. The kind where the perfect couple get together, and kiss at the end. Levi was watching it with me and says "oh... they're in love..." I guess he's watched a few chick flicks with me, hahaha Then he goes on to say "Mommy, you and Daddy used to do that. You did that only once, then you learned better cause you got sick and you wont do THAT anymore!!!" TOO FUNNY! I guess he hasn't seen us kiss in a while... I really laugh at the conclusion our kids come up with. It's true that what we do tells them more then what we say.
Kayla just asked me "Mom, how come Emily can move so fast when she doesn't even have any candy?" Yes, our Emily is a busy one!
Bed time... Ok, why does bedtime have to be so crazy? We have a routine, and a regular bedtime, which helps, but they constantly attempt to break every rule. It was worse without a routine though. I say get in to bed... they run to the bathroom... I say go pee, they jump into bed and read a book... I say read a book before bed... They play with toys... I just don't get it! It's not like they're even doing bad things, just not what they're suppose to be doing. And I don't even care if they mix the routine up, but usually they go back and do something again or whatever. Then there's always the bed time snack and drink they beg for, even if we ate supper late and they just finished. They always assure me that they really are starving already. Enough.

Monday, January 28, 2008

What I did today...

Well, since I have the time... hahaha, ok, yeah, I don't have the time... But I'm bord, so I'm taking the time. Ok ok, what I was gonna say is, since I have the time (not) and this blog is kinda novel, I'm gonna post again today!
I washed our duvet today!! Yes, I did! Ok, this may shock some people, but I have not washed it before. I've washed the cover, and aired the duvet out, but not washed the duvet itself. So I did a little research online to see if I could, then went ahead and dumped in the washing machine! This is what the tag said "PROFESSIONALLY DRY CLEAN Brush with a soft brush between professional dry cleanings. Under NO circumstances should you vacuum, beat (I have), wash or attempt your own dry cleaning." HA! Well, I'm not sure why it's so bad to, it turned out great (till it explodes in our bed, hahaha) and according to most online, it's how most people clean thiers! I did use zero to clean it though, instead of regular soap.
So, today seemed like a bum day as far as major accomplishments, but I comfort (haha) myself with the clean duvet... The grand total for today was, washing the sheets, duvet cover and duvet. Vacuuming the kitchen floor (which already needs it again) . Picking up misc. toys. Nursing, a lot. Cuddling Emily, she's getting 5 new teeth, good grief... Making a dr's app. for Levi. Hmmm, and making this blog!
I also ordered a good food box. It's this neat thing my sister is organizing. You order either a large or small box. It contains fresh fruits and veggies, bought at a bulk produce place and you get them for about half price. It's kinda neat. I'm giving it a try. The only thing is, that you don't know what you get, till you get it. A few things will be in every box, but after that it's just whatever was a good deal. More info on her blog though.
Well, I think I should call it a night. I'm SO tired. I still need to pray with my big kids, Nate has just started crying again too, must be time to nurse!
I'm really looking forward to Larry getting home tomorrow... He's weather bound at his dad's place one more night. Chow :)

Trying out blogging eh?

I laugh at myself. Writing in a blog, what next? Sometimes I just have the need to vent about things. What things? Homeschooling... Homebirthing... God... Church... and many others, but those are my big ones. So here goes.
Homeschooling is most on my mind lately. I think I really suck at it, don't tell my ... umm, well, certain family members, they think I suck at it too!! haha Well, honestly, I'm not all that worried about sucking at it at this point, but I'm thinking I should probably get much butt in gear soon. But, there in lies part of my dilemma... I feel like I believe in two very different types of homeschooling. Once again I find myself wanting to straddle both sides of a very wide fence. There are they ultra relaxed unschoolers, that believe that mainly school is just taking a closer look at the real life around us. Well, that's a bit of a sterio type, but, that's my take on it. Then there's the super-homeschoolers that do everything right and are ready to enter college at age 9. Yes, ha, ok, at bit of an extreme there too. I can tell you honestly, that I have family members that sit on both sides of these fences, I'm blessed to be able to observe them. But where do I fit in to all that? I had rather hoped I would be a bit of a super mom and have my kids reading early, which I don't really agree with, but would kinda enjoy the ooooo's and ahhhh's over my kids being so "smart" (btw, early reading doesn't mean your child is smarter...It all tends to even out). But, here I sit. My 6 yr old is not reading yet. He maybe could, if we tried a little harder, but, HE does NOT want to try harder!! He wants to play! He wants to shoot guns, build lego, jump around and make loud fart sounds with his mouth behind our backs hoping to scare us! He's all boy. And many many studies say to not push boy's, they'll get it much better if you wait. My personal belief is to surround them with a rich learning environment, but not necessarily book work, and then they'll suddenly "get" it. I know, this sounds an aweful lot like unschooling...But, I really don't like the looks of many of the unschoolers I see to be honest. I see a lot of undisciplined (not behavior discipline, lifestyle) children, who really aren't learning all that much from they're environment, who wear pajama's all day, eat at random times and go to bed once they're exhausted, not at a bed time. Now, I can't say that I really think it's horrible to be that way, but what I will say, is that isn't what I want for my children. I think those types of unschoolers can still become wonderful hard working adults. I just don't want that for MY children. I feel like I struggle with an undisciplined lifestyle myself and I would like my children to have the advantage of some for themselves. But, is a disciplined lifestyle all it's chalked up to be anyways?? *sigh* dilemma dilemma... Really, there's no way of knowing. It's probably more about personality type then anything. I just have felt embarrassed when I couldn't get my meals on time, or or or... oh something. So right now, I feel like I do generally try very hard (for me) to have some discipline, it's just not really IN me very much. But, it is SOME, truly! Anyways, back to homeschooling. I'm at a point right now, with my children that I should be teaching them more, at least giving them that blissful learning environment I desire. It takes a lot of effort to teach, without uhh... teaching... I want the best for my kids, not to just float through life, I really do want to teach them. But, what? How? I do believe in education, and having well educated children. I want my kids to be able to pursue whatever they desire, having a high school diploma is important to me for that reason. So as much as I want them to be able to learn at their own pace, I don't want them to be behind either. Yes, straddling the fence.
So, what AM I doing?? We read, a fair bit. We're working on the Narnia Chronicles right now, they love it. We do math, but not much book work. More so just the math that naturally occurs every day. For example- "Kids, we're having company for supper, there's going to be 3 extra people, how many plates will we need on the table?" Then we'll say it in math terms "ok, so that means 4+3 =7, good!" They're getting good at addition in 10 and under. I really want them to feel comfortable in that area before moving on. We also talk about science things, how things are made, how things work, ect. Larry's good with letting the kids discover in the shop and figure things out. So, all in all, I personally feel we're actually doing ok with them. But so many people disagree, because.. they don't yet read! I think they'll read just fine, soon, and they'll enjoy it, because it wont be a battle. They love books now, so I think reading won't be an issue. I just get so tired of defending myself sometimes.... Then I question...
The one thing I really believe in, which we are doing, is enforcing chores. I think it's vital during childhood. No, not for free labor (although my 5 yr old thinks that the only reason I had children is so I had someone to vacuum the floor!! hahahaha! Without them, my floor wouldn't need so much vacuuming!) . But I believe that it's very important to teach children chores to build self esteem (being an essential part of a household) and self worth (they can do a very good job with simple chores and thus believing they are good at something!). I think it's important to learn to be responsible for yourself too, not relying on everyone else to carry you through life. Well, I should go, put a few of my beliefs into practice. There's so much more on this subject, I'm sure I poorly expressed myself. Somehow, we'll make it through homeschooling, unless, they go to school... which is a whole 'nuther post!