Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Ok, I think I bit off more then I can chew. But at the same time, I feel like it's good for me. I need to grow and stretch, yet... it hurts! 5 kids, 6 and under all day long is getting a little tiring. I know some mom's do this all the time, and I'm lucky enough to only (only? ahahah) have 4 full time. This little guy I'm babysitting really is a good baby, yet I'm starting to notice that I just can't get the laundry done or meals or or or or.. on time anymore. Not that I was super at it before, but getting better. I feel like we're probably in a time of adjustment here though, and things will smooth out soon, I hope. My hubby is just about going crazy with all the chaos around here. He loves things orderly and clean, ya... not happening right now. Plus, I totally feel like I NEED to get the kids and myself out of the house everyday. Yet, I can't get anything done IN the house when we're out! So, solution? Here I sit, blogging!
Oh, very very cool. I won a pair of baby shoes online!! I can'tbelieve it!! I don't usually win things, and these shoes are sooo stinkin cute! I'm very excited!
AND, my sister had her baby last weekend, so I'm feeling like I need to be taking care of her too! Horrible birth, so much like mine with Levi... Poor girl.

To do list.

Wash dishes
Wipe down all counters and clear clutter
Wipe down cupboard fronts
Wash floor
Do about 23862378462 loads of laundry
Fold Laundry
Put laundry away (these last two seem to be a bit tricky getting done!)
Make bread
Make Pizza for supper, ham needs to be used up...
Cuddle with the kids, ready stories, ect
Spend time homeschooling

Ok, that's all the things that SHOULD be done TODAY. I don't think the bread will get done, but everything else really really needs it. There's SO MUCH more that needs attention too. I'm hoping to have a garage sale this weekend too.... call me crazy!
Later gaters

Friday, July 11, 2008


Well, I've now taken on the job of babysitting a little guy. He's 15 months old, so inbetween the ages of my two babies. Thus, part of the reason my blog is not updated.... 5 kids here, 6 and under! 3 in diapers... The past few days I've been trying to potty train Emily, she's 19 m now and seems fairly ready. My older two didn't train till near 3, so it's very new for me to try this early. So far, she's been peeing in the potty very well, so maybe we'll manage to train much sooner this time! I need to run here... I check my email and site's every day, but it seems so hard to get a chance to actually type on here. My main email-checking-time is when I nurse Nate (7m), so I only have one hand free. Laters Gaters